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Life Transforming Program on How to

Heal After Surviving a Narcissistic Parent


Understand how being raised by a narcissistic parent traumatizes you as a child and how that trauma shows up in your adulthood

...and then learn how to heal your core wounds and stop attracting narcissists

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Life Transforming Program on How to

Heal After Surviving a Narcissistic Parent


Understand how being raised by a narcissistic parent traumatizes you as a child and how that trauma shows up in your adulthood

...and then learn how to heal your core wounds and stop attracting narcissists

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Here is exactly what you'll learn in this Program

  • How Having A Narcissistic Parent Affects You As A Developing Child And Causes Childhood Trauma - The Origin
  • The 3 Main Emotional Weapons They Use To Force Obedience And Compliance

  • The Secret Behind Why You Attract Narcissists And Don't Leave Toxic Relationships
  • The Psychology Behind Narcissistic Family Cults And How They Operate
  • The Different Roles You Take To Adapt To The Stressful Environment You Were Brought In And How You Become The Golden Child, The Lost/Invisible Child Or The Black Sheep - The Impact

  • How You Develop The Patterns Of People Pleasing, Self-Sacrificing Or Ultra Independence And Re-Enact Them In Your Adult Relationships -The Result

  • How Do You Manage Your Relationship With Your Narcissistic Parents Through "Contactless Contact" And Set Firm Boundaries - The Management

  • How Do You Take A Stand For Yourself, Break Enmeshment And Create A Life They Didn't Let You Have

  • The Key Step To Take Before You Try To Heal Your Inner Child (Hint - You Don't Just Have One Inner-Child)
  • What NOT To Do When Your Narcissistic Family Attacks You
  • 5 Steps To Self Love Discovery - How To Love Yourself In A Practical And Realistic Sense
  • How To Become Your Own Parent And Seek Guidance From Within
  • How Do You Heal The Trauma, Release The Guilt, Shame And Obligation, Change And Become Narcissist-Proof For Real - The Resolution

---Break of 20 Minutes---


How To Break Free In 5 Steps


  • How to go contact the right way even when you cannot leave or share children with them
  • How to take your power back by regulating your nervous system and manage cravings of going back
  • Step by step learning what it takes to work at the root level to resolve the cognitive dissonance to dissolve the trauma bond
  • 3 powerful therapeutic modalities to release the pain and work through heavy emotions
  • What to do if you relapse and how to bounce back to begin the healing process again
  • A way to be self-compassionate, hold space for your healing and put in the work to make the real change happen

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What You'll Get


6th 2022

Saturday 9:30 am-11:30 am EST (Eastern Time US & Canada)

Reserve My Spot For Just $47
  • "How Having A Narcissistic Parent Affects You As A Developing Child And Causes Childhood Trauma - The Origin" Training (Value $997)
  • "The Different Roles You Take To Adapt To The Stressful Environment You Were Brought In And How You Become The Golden Child, The Lost/Invisible Child Or The Black Sheep" - The Impact Training (Value $997)
  • How Do You Manage Your Relationship With Your Narcissistic Parents Through "Contactless Contact" And Set Firm Boundaries - The Management Training (Value $997)

  • How Do You Heal The Trauma, Release The Guilt, Shame And Obligation, Change And Become Narcissist-Proof For Real - The Resolution Training (Value $997)

  • Bonus 7 Day Inner-Child Healing Program ($1997)
  • Pre-Recorded Q&A Sessions ($997)
  • Practical Hypnotic Tracks, meditations & Worksheets (Value $497)
  • Telegram Group Access for On-going Community Support ($597)

Total Value- $8094

Today’s Price: $97

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What Each Module of This Program Will Teach You

Module 1: How Your Narcissistic Parent Traumatized You-The Origin

Learn how narcissistic parenting impacted your development from infancy through adolescence. Uncover the origins of your trauma, including prenatal influences. Understand what went wrong in your childhood to set the stage for healing.

Module 2: How Childhood Trauma Shaped Your Personality-The Impact

Understand how childhood trauma shaped your personality and formed deep-seated patterns. Discover how trauma triggers and patterns are activated, through your environment and come out as reactions. Uncover the mechanisms behind "why you attract Narcissists".


Module 3: How Narcissistic Family Dynamics Work-The Mechanics

Learn about the main types of narcissistic parents and the experience of growing up with them. Understand the different roles individuals play within a narcissistic family and how these roles function. Discover the mechanics of a narcissistic family cult and how they control you using Fear, Obligation, and Guilt (FOG). 

Module 4: How To Deal With Your Narcissistic Family-The Management

Learn effective strategies for managing a narcissistic family, starting with the critical step of going no contact with your parents. Understand the detailed process of maintaining no contact. Discover the 5 D's of Defense to protect yourself, and establish non-negotiable boundaries for self-preservation and empowerment.

Module 5: How To Heal Yourself & Become Whole Again-The Resolution

Learn how to regulate and stabilize your nervous system through guided body-based exercises. Explore your inner world using Internal Family Systems (IFS) to reconnect with your authentic self. Engage in guided exercises to befriend and rescue your inner child, cast out the negative influence of your narcissistic parent, and identify your true self beyond the trauma.


Module 6: Questions and Answers

Get answers to all your questions about narcissistic parenting, childhood trauma, family dynamics, and healing. Clarify concepts on trauma's impact, management strategies, and nervous system regulation. Deepen your understanding and solidify your knowledge to support your healing journey.

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About the speaker:


I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist and a Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Professional. I am devoted to helping survivors of childhood and relational trauma.

My expertise lies in understanding Narcissistic Abuse and its devastating impact on the people who go through it. I work with survivors to help them move on, heal, recover and not only thrive but transform into their greatest version possible.

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