Break The Trauma Bond
Understand in-depth How You Get Trauma Bonded to the Narcissist & Why You Can't Stop Missing them
...then Learn how You can Break Free in 5 Strategic, Proven, and Practical Steps

You know you're Trauma Bonded to the Narcissist. Now you're looking for ways to break it and set yourself free
You tried leaving them or going no contact
But every time you did, within a couple of days, you started missing them miserably and felt you may not be able to take it any more or they love-bombed so heavily that you fell in the trap again,
You have watched a ton of YouTube Videos
But you were NOT able to find the right tools to break free from this addiction. Logically, you know what to do but emotionally you are chronically confused. You still can't stop thinking about the good memories and nice things they did once in a while.
You have tried detachment
But you share a child with them or the Narcissist is your parent. Every time you start distancing emotionally, they find one or the other way to push your buttons and you are back at the square one, wondering if it is you who is crazy. Plus, those hot and cold cycles keep you trapped feeling guilty, terrified or obligated to stay
You want to break free from this addiction to move on and heal — without feeling split into two people living in the same body; one knowing the truth and other still holding on to Hopeless Hope
Here is the most Important Question for you...
What if you stopped punishing and blaming yourself— and understood the root cause of what is keeping you trauma bonded?
Hang tight. let me show you exactly how.
Here is the deal with breaking the Trauma Bond
You can't just keep reading about narcissistic abuse. Too much dry information is overwhelming and good for awareness only. Information alone doesn't break the toxic cycle that keeps sucking you in.
You can't waste your time by just simply stopping communication with the narcissist for a few days, hoping time will take away the pain and you'll magically stop missing them. A trauma bond is NOT a behavioral issue that you can modify by just changing your thinking.
You need a deep understanding of why you're addicted to the Narcissist, what reinforces that addiction and then have effective & proven-to-work tools at your disposal to undo the damage and break the trauma bond at the root level.
...and here's where Break the Trauma Bond Course comes in.
You understand how Trauma Bonding happens at the Nervous System level, What sustains it and then you Learn how to Break Free in 5 Practical Steps...
And the best part is: You learn what works!
Breaking The Trauma Bond
The Ultimate Solution
Step #1
Understand “What happened to you in the relationship” & how you got trauma bonded with the narcissist (Hint: you went through crazy cycles of hot/cold behaviour)
Step #2
Resolve the mystery by learning what sustains, maintains and reinforces the trauma bond and why you can't just let go!- (It isn't just your childhood!)
Step #3
Learn how to break free from this unwanted addiction in 5 practical, proven and strategic steps — and then put that learning into action right away!
With this in-depth understanding, you can stop going through the continuous cycles of breakup/makeup — and finally, find a way to fully heal and move on
Break The Trauma Bond
Understand in-depth how you become trauma bonded
...then learn how you can break free in 5 strategic, proven and practical steps
Here’s what you get when you enroll today:
- “How you become trauma bonded and What Sustains it- The mystery Solved” Training ( value $1997)
- “How To Break Free In 5 Steps” Training (Value $ 1997)
- Q&A Session Recordings With Danish (Value $1499)
- Bonus #1 No Contact Worksheet- SMAC Technique (Value $ 297)
- Bonus #2 Grief Processing Worksheet (Value $ 297)
- Bonus #3 Inner Freedom Healing Track to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance (Value $997)
- Bonus #4 Core Wound Healing Track To Work on Childhood Trauma(Value $ 997)
- Bonus #5 Access to Private Facebook healing group (Value $997)
Total Value- $9078
Today’s Price: $97
GET INSTANT ACCESS →Here is exactly what is covered in Breaking The Trauma Bond Course
How Trauma Bonding Happens
How To Break Free In 5 Steps
Everything you need to understand what keeps you trauma bonded and break it to reclaim your freedom

What about the actual tools, techniques and other resources that you need for breaking the Trauma Bond?
Don’t worry. We’ve got your back..
bonus #1
No Contact Worksheet
Follow this step by step process and win at doing the no contact the right way with relapase prevention
bonus #2
Grief Processing Worksheet
Use this proven worksheet to give your grief a voice to release it through the ritual of letting go.
bonus #3
Inner Freedom Healing Track
Listen to this track and let it take you into a deep relaxed state and once you are in it, let it reprogram your subconscious to see the narcissist for who they are
bonus #4
Core Wound Healing Track
Listen to this track and let it help you release the deep-seated pain, sadness and anger so that you can connect with your inner child and heal the origin once for all
bonus #5
Access to The Private Facebook/Telegram Group
Once you are in, get inside the private healing community on Facebook to get access to the healing resources that I don't share anywhere else. Plus, connect with other like-minded survivors.

What makes Break The Trauma Bond Program so experiential and close to my heart?

I can still vividly recall the most dreadful moment of my life when I attempted to hang myself from a ceiling fan due to chronic anxiety. It was the excruciating thought of my mother waiting at home that prevented me from kicking the table away from beneath my feet.
At that time, I was a 20-year-old man, so deeply broken inside that I contemplated ending my life without considering what the future might hold.
What had led me to this point?
It was the lowest point in my life, and I grappled with bizarre health issues that transformed my existence into a living nightmare because no doctor could diagnose why I was perpetually ill. My life had become so unbearable that I saw no reason to continue. This despair was the result of constant manipulation, belittlement, isolation, and blame-shifting at the hands of my narcissistic roommate.
The horrendous abuse made me feel not only as if I were the insane one but also as though I did not deserve to live. It was the final straw that broke the camel's back.
Lacking awareness of boundaries and what I deserved, the abuser managed to demolish my self-respect, confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth, causing me to gradually diminish into oblivion.
This abuse persisted for two years, leaving me with a shattered spirit and exacerbated wounds from past trauma. It was when this toxic individual attempted to re-enter my life that I questioned myself: "Do I have to continue allowing him to trample over me?", "Do I deserve this kind of soul-destroying treatment? Is this the way I am supposed to live?"
The answer was no. My conscience led me towards a new way of life, free from such a destructive relationship.
This ordeal unveiled the truth about my life, and I realized it all began in my childhood, amidst the abuse in my dysfunctional family.
The Revelation and Resolution
The realization of past narcissistic relationships, the absence of boundaries, and the lack of self-worth, self-concept, and self-esteem suddenly made everything clear. My life, my behaviors, and my relationship patterns were no longer enigmas.
That was when I chose a different path; I chose to heal. I severed ties with all the toxic individuals still in my life and began to heal the unresolved trauma. This journey connected me with my purpose of helping and caring for others, and it is in this capacity that I serve you today, striving daily to raise awareness about narcissistic abuse. My goal is to ensure that others do not feel as stuck and hopeless as I did at that time.
Breaking The Trauma Bond
Understand in-depth how you become trauma bonded
...then learn how you can break free in 5 strategic, proven and practical steps

When you walk away from Breaking The Trauma Bond Course, you’ll know exactly how to…
Recognize what is keeping you glued with the narcissist
Go No Contact the right way or minimize the contact to detach yourself from the narcissist
Regulate your Nervous System to manage the urges and end the cycle of addiction
Release the emotional pain that comes with the loss of what you thought was real
Stop blaming yourself and hold space for your grief to heal deeply and prevent relapsing
Breaking The Trauma Bond
Understand in-depth how you become trauma bonded
...then learn how you can break free in 5 strategic, proven and practical steps
Here’s what you get when you enroll today:
- “How you become trauma bonded and What Sustains it- The mystery Solved” Training ( value $1997)
- “How To Break Free In 5 Steps” Training (Value $ 1997)
- Q&A Session Recordings With Danish (Value $1499)
- Bonus #1 No Contact Worksheet- SMAC Technique (Value $ 297)
- Bonus #2 Grief Processing Worksheet (Value $ 297)
- Bonus #3 Inner Freedom Healing Track to Reduce Cognitive Dissonance (Value $997)
- Bonus #4 Core Wound Healing Track To Work on Childhood Trauma(Value $ 997)
- Bonus #5 Access to Private Facebook healing group (Value $997)